Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Thailand - Oh My!

Hello from sunny Thailand!

Craig and I have been very bust the last two weeks, as you can see in our pictures I just posted below. We've been riding elephants, playing with wild monkeys, seeing temples, and eating lots of good Thai food.

We leave on Friday to go to India. I am sure that will bring many more adventures!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Good-bye New Zealand!

I hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas, and that you spent your holidays having lots of fun and building lots of snowmen!

We spent Christmas on the dairy farm with Craig's parents. We milked lots of cows (again). Did you know Santa visits New Zealand hours before Canada?

Craig and I are now heading to Thailand for 3 weeks, before heading to India for 10 weeks. Keep reading the blog to see what adventures we have while we're over there!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Christmas is almost here (Santa visits New Zealand first, you know!) and I hope all of you have a WONDERFUL holiday and winter break.
Craig, Burley and I will be spending it on the dairy farm we helped out at. Craig's parents will also be there, and it is summer here, so we will be having a warm, BBQ Christmas!

Monday, November 16, 2009



I am sorry I have not written an update in a few months. Craig, Burley and I have been very busy!

About a month ago, we spent two weeks helping out on a dairy farm. Boy, was it an experience! We helped out with many different farm chores including feeding the calves and milking the cows (not by hand, but we had to put the machines on the cows' udders). During this time we lived with the farm family and got to know the farmer, his wife, and their two children. They really liked Burley! We were very tired by the end of the two weeks. I do not think I will become a dairy farmer!

Now we are helping out at another farm. This time it is owned by a young husband and wife who are our age. They have horses, cows, sheep, chickens, and pets (2 cats and 2 dogs). We're doing lots of different things here as well: helping weed the veggie garden, gathering eggs, moving cows from one field to another, painting fences, and the grossest job of all - shovelling horse poo! Someone has to do it, I guess!

We will be leaving this farm in a few days. Who knows what adventures we will get up to next!

Right now we are at the top of the south (bottom) island. The red lines on the map show you where we have driven: